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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 86

English (USA) Answers - Level 86

Animals with hooves - (Text Question)

  1. Horse
  2. Cow
  3. Pig
  4. Donkey
  5. Goat
  6. Deer
  7. Sheep
  8. Bull
  9. Pony
  10. Horses
  11. Lamb
  12. Cows
  13. Pigs
  14. Goats
  15. Ass
  16. Cattle
  17. Donkeys
  18. Bulls
  19. Lambs

Medical Specialists - (Text Question)

  1. Surgeon
  2. Nurse
  3. Dentist
  4. Cardiologist
  5. Pediatrician
  6. Dermatologist
  7. Chiropractor
  8. Gynecologist
  9. OBGYN
  10. Nurses

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Dirt
  2. Digger
  3. Construction
  4. Dig
  5. Crane
  6. Work
  7. Machine
  8. Build
  9. Bulldozer
  10. Mud
  11. Sand
  12. Truck
  13. Tractor
  14. Building
  15. Ground
  16. Earth
  17. Soil
  18. Backhoe
  19. digging
  20. Excavator
  21. Excavate
  22. Machinery
  23. Excavation

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