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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 160

English (USA) Answers - Level 160

A food that is messy to eat - (Text Question)

  1. Spaghetti
  2. Tacos
  3. Ribs
  4. Ice cream
  5. Burger
  6. Pizza
  7. Wings
  8. Soup
  9. Pasta
  10. Taco
  11. Hamburger
  12. Noodles
  13. Chicken wings
  14. Burgers
  15. Ice cream cone
  16. Stew
  17. Hamburgers
  18. Cheeseburger
  19. Buffalo wings
  20. Rib
  21. Spare ribs
  22. Bolognese
  23. Bbq ribs
  24. Hot wings
  25. Spaghetti bolognese
  26. Barbecue ribs
  27. Barbeque ribs
  28. Bbq wings
  29. Big Mac
  30. Spaghetti and meatballs

Island nations - (Text Question)

  1. Cuba
  2. Japan
  3. Australia
  4. Bahamas
  5. Jamaica
  6. Philippines
  7. Phillipines
  8. Madagascar
  9. New Zealand
  10. Haiti
  11. Iceland
  12. New zeland

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Party
  2. Wedding
  3. Chairs
  4. Tables
  5. White
  6. table
  7. Reception
  8. Dinner
  9. chair
  10. Event
  11. Celebration
  12. Function
  13. Gathering
  14. Seats
  15. Occasion
  16. Seat
  17. Seating

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