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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 402

English (USA) Answers - Level 402

The most beautiful cities in the world - (Text Question)

  1. Paris
  2. New York
  3. London
  4. Rome
  5. Venice
  6. Tokyo
  7. Sydney
  8. Barcelona
  9. New york city

The theater - (Text Question)

  1. Play
  2. Actor
  3. Stage
  4. Musical
  5. Seat
  6. Curtain
  7. Ticket
  8. Audience
  9. Actors
  10. Plays
  11. Seats
  12. Musicals
  13. Tickets
  14. Curtains
  15. Actress
  16. Chairs
  17. Chair
  18. Crowd
  19. Backstage
  20. Actresses
  21. Red curtain
  22. Crowds

Sea and sofa_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Chair
  2. Beach
  3. Ocean
  4. Cliff
  5. Boat
  6. Sand
  7. Sea
  8. Rock
  9. Rocks
  10. Sofa
  11. Couch
  12. Armchair
  13. Recliner
  14. Boats
  15. Arm chair
  16. Speedboat
  17. Speed boat

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