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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 35

English (USA) Answers - Level 35

Things used by a police officer - (Text Question)

  1. Gun
  2. Handcuffs
  3. Car
  4. Baton
  5. Taser
  6. Badge
  7. Radio
  8. Flashlight
  9. Uniform
  10. Siren
  11. Stick
  12. Walkie talkie
  13. Cuffs
  14. Handcuff
  15. Sirens
  16. Hand cuffs
  17. Light
  18. Torch
  19. Night stick
  20. Nightstick
  21. Flash light
  22. Police car
  23. Truncheon
  24. Pistol
  25. Cars
  26. Sign
  27. Guns
  28. Uniforms
  29. Cop car
  30. Wand
  31. Flashing lights
  32. Handgun

Types of music - (Text Question)

  1. Rock
  2. Pop
  3. Rap
  4. Country
  5. Jazz
  6. Classical
  7. Dance
  8. Reggae
  9. Hip hop
  10. Blues
  11. Metal
  12. Opera
  13. Folk
  14. Classic
  15. Punk
  16. Alternative
  17. Hiphop
  18. Techno
  19. Electronic
  20. Heavy metal
  21. Electro
  22. Dubstep
  23. Rock and roll
  24. Rock n roll
  25. Top 40
  26. Classic rock
  27. punk rock
  28. dub step
  29. Hip hop

work_desk_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Laptop
  2. Glasses
  3. Work
  4. Office
  5. Mouse
  6. Desk
  7. Table
  8. Computer
  9. Apple
  10. Mac
  11. Business
  12. MacBook
  13. Job
  14. Working
  15. Homework
  16. School
  17. Apple MacBook
  18. Home office

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