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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 351

English (USA) Answers - Level 351

Famous cartoons - (Text Question)

  1. Tom and Jerry
  2. Spongebob
  3. Mickey Mouse
  4. Simpsons
  5. Looney Tunes
  6. Scooby-Doo
  7. Flintstones
  8. Family Guy
  9. Scooby Doo
  10. Looney Toons
  11. The simpsons
  12. Flinstones
  13. Spongebob squarepants
  14. Sponge bob
  15. The flintstones
  16. The flinstones
  17. Scooby
  18. Spongbob
  19. Spongebob square pants
  20. Scooby-do

You can control its speed - (Text Question)

  1. Car
  2. Bike
  3. Airplane
  4. Boat
  5. Train
  6. Fan
  7. Blender
  8. Mixer
  9. Plane
  10. Motorcycle
  11. Truck
  12. Bicycle
  13. Motorbike
  14. Ship
  15. Vehicle
  16. Cars
  17. Aeroplane
  18. Motor bike
  19. Celing fan
  20. Hand mixer

mechanic_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Car
  2. Mechanic
  3. Fix
  4. Garage
  5. Wheel
  6. Tool
  7. Tools
  8. Repair
  9. Shop
  10. Tires
  11. Wheels
  12. Tire
  13. Fixing
  14. Workshop
  15. Engineer
  16. Worker
  17. Tyres
  18. Auto shop
  19. Vehicle
  20. Service
  21. Tyre
  22. Cars
  23. Autoshop
  24. Maintenance
  25. Technician
  26. Auto repair
  27. A wheel

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