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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 319

English (USA) Answers - Level 319

Something associated with Mardi Gras - (Text Question)

  1. Beads
  2. Parade
  3. Party
  4. Masks
  5. New Orleans
  6. Food
  7. Music
  8. Mask
  9. Floats
  10. Parades
  11. Pancakes
  12. King cake
  13. Cake
  14. Louisiana
  15. Partying
  16. Parties
  17. Float
  18. Bead
  19. Bead necklaces
  20. Beaded necklace
  21. Bead necklace

Something people do when taking pictures - (Text Question)

  1. Smile
  2. Pose
  3. Say cheese
  4. Laugh
  5. Pout
  6. Funny face
  7. Peace sign
  8. Blink
  9. Duck face
  10. Cheese
  11. Peace
  12. Duck lips
  13. Silly face
  14. Make faces
  15. Duckface
  16. Close eyes
  17. Funny faces
  18. Make a face
  19. Pull faces
  20. Make funny faces
  21. Pull a face
  22. Make a funny face
  23. Say "cheese"
  24. Make face
  25. Close their eyes
  26. Goofy face
  27. Smiling
  28. Make a silly face
  29. Peace signs
  30. Make funny face
  31. Goofy faces
  32. Posing
  33. Say say cheese
  34. Laughing
  35. Make silly faces
  36. "say cheese"

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Typewriter
  2. Book
  3. Library
  4. Surprise
  5. Kid
  6. Glasses
  7. Books
  8. Boy
  9. Shock
  10. Shocked
  11. Surprised
  12. Type writer
  13. Child
  14. Suprised
  15. Student
  16. Suprise
  17. Amazed
  18. Typing machine

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