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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 245

English (USA) Answers - Level 245

Something you stretch - (Text Question)

  1. Body
  2. Rubber band
  3. Clothes
  4. Money
  5. Truth
  6. Gum
  7. Legs
  8. Arms
  9. Muscles
  10. Back
  11. Elastic
  12. Rubber
  13. Pants
  14. Neck
  15. Arm
  16. Rubberband
  17. Leg
  18. Muscle
  19. Rubber bands
  20. Budget
  21. The truth
  22. Shirt
  23. Hair tie
  24. Your body
  25. Hamstring
  26. Dollar
  27. Hair band
  28. Shirts
  29. Bands
  30. Clothing
  31. Calves
  32. Your arms
  33. Your legs
  34. Paycheck
  35. A dollar
  36. Dollars
  37. Pay check

Subjects of country music songs - (Text Question)

  1. Love
  2. Partying
  3. Party
  4. Heartbreak
  5. Trucks
  6. Women
  7. Dogs
  8. Tractors
  9. Boots
  10. Beer
  11. Girls
  12. Drinking
  13. Truck
  14. Dog
  15. Cheating
  16. Tractor
  17. Alcohol
  18. Breakups
  19. Divorce
  20. Breakup
  21. Break ups
  22. Break up
  23. Heart break
  24. Whiskey
  25. Parties
  26. Cowboy boots

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Horse
  2. Girl
  3. Field
  4. Country
  5. Countryside
  6. Grass
  7. Woman
  8. Meadow
  9. Lady
  10. Paddock
  11. Fields
  12. Country side
  13. Horses
  14. Black horse

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