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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 136

English (USA) Answers - Level 136

A language that uses a different alphabet - (Text Question)

  1. Chinese
  2. Japanese
  3. Greek
  4. Arabic
  5. Russian
  6. Korean

Ireland - (Text Question)

  1. Green
  2. Beer
  3. Leprechaun
  4. Shamrock
  5. Dublin
  6. Luck
  7. St Patrick
  8. Clover
  9. Guiness
  10. Lucky
  11. Guinness
  12. Saint patrick
  13. Four leaf clover
  14. Leprechauns
  15. St. patrick
  16. Ale
  17. St patrick's day
  18. Clovers
  19. St. patrick's day
  20. St.patrick
  21. Shamrocks
  22. St patrick day
  23. 4 leaf clover
  24. Saint patrick's day

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Water
  2. Mountain
  3. Cloud
  4. Reflection
  5. Beauty
  6. Peaceful
  7. Sky
  8. Lake
  9. clouds
  10. beautiful
  11. Calm
  12. mountains
  13. Pretty
  14. Mirror
  15. peace
  16. Sea
  17. River
  18. Ocean
  19. reflect
  20. Quiet
  21. Serene
  22. Picturesque
  23. Tranquil
  24. Gorgeous
  25. Stunning
  26. Serenity

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