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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 190

English (USA) Answers - Level 190

Alaska - (Text Question)

  1. Cold
  2. Snow
  3. Ice
  4. Bears
  5. Moose
  6. Juneau
  7. Eskimos
  8. Mountains
  9. Eskimo
  10. Bear
  11. Mountain
  12. Polar bear
  13. Glacier
  14. Glaciers
  15. Polar bears
  16. Inuit
  17. Icebergs
  18. Grizzly bear
  19. Grizzley bears
  20. Ice glaciers
  21. Kodiak bear

Something you shouldn't talk about on a first date - (Text Question)

  1. Exes
  2. Marriage
  3. Kids
  4. Money
  5. Politics
  6. Religion
  7. Children
  8. Wedding
  9. Babies
  10. Past relationships
  11. Income
  12. Other dates
  13. Your ex
  14. Ex
  15. Baby
  16. Finances
  17. Finance
  18. Marry
  19. Past relationship
  20. An ex
  21. Ex boyfriend
  22. Ex girlfriend
  23. Ex lovers
  24. Ex partners
  25. Getting married
  26. Having kids
  27. Old boyfriends
  28. Past dates
  29. Ex boyfriend/girlfriend
  30. Ex boyfriends
  31. Ex dates
  32. Ex girlfriend/boyfriend
  33. Ex partner
  34. Ex-partners
  35. Ex relationship
  36. Ex relationships
  37. Ex spouse
  38. Financial situation
  39. God
  40. Having children
  41. Last relationship
  42. Old relationships
  43. Other relationships
  44. Past girlfriends
  45. Past lovers
  46. Previous boyfriends
  47. Previous dates
  48. Previous partners
  49. Previous relationships
  50. Weddings

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Yoga
  2. Mats
  3. Women
  4. Pose
  5. Class
  6. Balance
  7. Mat
  8. Tree
  9. Girls
  10. Woman
  11. Ladies
  12. Tree pose
  13. Poses
  14. Classes
  15. Balancing
  16. Gym class
  17. Standing tree
  18. Tree stand

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