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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 213

English (USA) Answers - Level 213

A TV show that is always on reruns - (Text Question)

  1. Friends
  2. Full House
  3. SpongeBob SquarePants
  4. Seinfeld
  5. Law and Order
  6. The Big Bang Theory
  7. The Simpsons
  8. Family Guy
  9. Spongebob
  10. Big bang theory
  11. Simpsons
  12. Law & order
  13. Law and order svu
  14. Law and order: svu

Ice cream toppings - (Text Question)

  1. Chocolate
  2. Chocolate sauce
  3. Sprinkles
  4. Nuts
  5. Cherries
  6. Caramel
  7. Whipped cream
  8. Strawberries
  9. Cherry
  10. Strawberry
  11. Syrup
  12. Fudge
  13. Cream
  14. Hot fudge
  15. Flake
  16. Peanuts
  17. Strawberry sauce
  18. Chocolate syrup
  19. Hundreds and thousands
  20. Caramel sauce
  21. Caramel syrup
  22. Chocolate fudge

wooden_boat_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Boat
  2. Water
  3. Dock
  4. Sail
  5. Ropes
  6. Rope
  7. Ship
  8. Sea
  9. Port
  10. Ocean
  11. Sails
  12. River
  13. Pier
  14. Sailing
  15. Yacht
  16. Docked

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