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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 413

English (USA) Answers - Level 413

A famous painter - (Text Question)

  1. Picasso
  2. Van Gogh
  3. Da Vinci
  4. Monet
  5. Michelangelo
  6. Dalí
  7. Dali
  8. Leonardo da Vinci
  9. Van gough
  10. Davinci
  11. Michaelangelo
  12. Vincent Van Gogh
  13. Leonardo
  14. Pablo Picasso
  15. Picaso
  16. Claude Monet
  17. Leonardo davinci
  18. Salvador Dali

A food that starts with the word "French" - (Text Question)

  1. French fries
  2. French toast
  3. French bread
  4. French onion soup
  5. French dressing
  6. Fries
  7. Toast
  8. Bread
  9. Dressing
  10. French fry
  11. Onion
  12. French onion
  13. Onion soup
  14. Baguette
  15. Fry
  16. French baguette
  17. French onion dip
  18. French onions
  19. French roll
  20. Onion dip
  21. French bread pizza
  22. French toast sticks
  23. French fried onions

Photo_Camera_ny_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Photos
  2. Camera
  3. Selfie
  4. New York
  5. Car
  6. Street
  7. City
  8. Taxi
  9. Cars
  10. Canon
  11. Road
  12. Picture
  13. Photo
  14. Cab
  15. Nyc
  16. Cannon
  17. Intersection
  18. Streets
  19. Taxis
  20. New york city
  21. Cabs
  22. Photograph
  23. Pictures
  24. Canon camera

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