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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 92

English (UK) Answers - Level 92

Breakfast food - (Text Question)

  1. Toast
  2. Cereal
  3. Eggs
  4. Bacon
  5. Sausages
  6. Pancakes
  7. Fruit
  8. Beans
  9. Porridge
  10. Sausage
  11. Bread
  12. Egg
  13. Oatmeal
  14. Pancake
  15. Granola
  16. Cereals
  17. Baked beans
  18. Muesli
  19. Corn flakes
  20. Crepes
  21. Cornflakes
  22. Omlette
  23. Weetabix
  24. Cheerios
  25. Coco Pops
  26. Omelet
  27. scrambled egg

Something that will exist in 2050 - (Text Question)

  1. Flying cars
  2. Robots
  3. Hoverboards
  4. Time travel
  5. Teleportation
  6. Holograms
  7. Flying car
  8. Teleport
  9. Robot
  10. Hologram
  11. Hoverboard
  12. Time machine
  13. Hover boards
  14. Hover board
  15. Hovercraft
  16. Teleporter
  17. Teleporting
  18. Floating cars
  19. Hover craft
  20. Teleporters
  21. Hovercrafts
  22. Time machines
  23. Robot maids
  24. Robot servants
  25. Teleports
  26. Hover crafts
  27. Robot people

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Space shuttle
  2. Clouds
  3. Space
  4. Fire
  5. Rocket
  6. Sky
  7. cloud
  8. shuttle
  9. spaceship
  10. Flame
  11. Flames
  12. Space ship
  13. Rocket ship

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