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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 33

English (UK) Answers - Level 33

Equipment used by Indiana Jones - (Text Question)

  1. Whip
  2. Hat
  3. Gun
  4. Knife
  5. Bag
  6. Boots
  7. Sword
  8. Map
  9. Torch
  10. Rope
  11. Compass
  12. Fire
  13. Lasso
  14. Boot
  15. Shoes
  16. Backpack
  17. Satchel
  18. Machete
  19. Pistol
  20. Guns
  21. Knives
  22. Revolver
  23. Rucksack
  24. A knife
  25. A rope
  26. A whip
  27. Cowboy hat
  28. Fedora
  29. Handgun
  30. His hat

It brings bad luck - (Text Question)

  1. Black cat
  2. Ladder
  3. Mirror
  4. Umbrella
  5. Salt
  6. Friday 13th
  7. Broken mirror
  8. Friday 13
  9. Friday the 13th
  10. Black cats
  11. Walking under a ladder
  12. Walking under ladder
  13. Ladders
  14. Breaking a mirror
  15. Spilling salt
  16. Break mirror
  17. Walk under ladder
  18. Mirrors
  19. Spilled salt
  20. under ladder
  21. Umbrella inside
  22. under a ladder
  23. Under a ladder
  24. Opening umbrella inside
  25. Broken mirrors
  26. Going under a ladder
  27. Open umbrella inside
  28. salt shaker
  29. Umbrella In house
  30. Walking under ladders
  31. 13th friday
  32. A black cat
  33. Breaking mirrors
  34. Dumping salt
  35. Opening an umbrella inside
  36. Opening umbrella indoors
  37. Smashed mirror
  38. Walking under an open ladder
  39. Walk under ladders

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Fire
  2. Match
  3. Burn
  4. Flame
  5. Hot
  6. Heat
  7. Burning
  8. Warm
  9. Match stick
  10. Matches
  11. Warmth

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