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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 168

English (UK) Answers - Level 168

New Year's Eve - (Text Question)

  1. Party
  2. Countdown
  3. Fireworks
  4. Kiss
  5. Midnight
  6. Champagne
  7. Resolutions
  8. Resolution
  9. Celebrate
  10. Celebration
  11. Count down
  12. Wine
  13. Firework
  14. Kisses
  15. Kissing
  16. 12:00
  17. New years resolution
  18. Parties
  19. Celebrations
  20. New years resolutions
  21. New year resolution

The most annoying household chore - (Text Question)

  1. Dishes
  2. Hoovering
  3. Washing
  4. Dusting
  5. Ironing
  6. Toilet
  7. Sweeping
  8. Mopping
  9. Bins
  10. Laundry
  11. Bathroom
  12. Trash
  13. Washing up
  14. Folding
  15. Vacuuming
  16. Iron
  17. Hoover
  18. Vacuum
  19. Dishwasher
  20. Dust
  21. Folding clothes
  22. Rubbish
  23. Clothes
  24. Wash up
  25. Cleaning toilet
  26. Garbage
  27. Brooming
  28. Clean toilet
  29. Toilet cleaning
  30. Washing clothes
  31. Washing dishes
  32. Bathrooms
  33. Cleaning bathroom
  34. Emptying bins
  35. Taking out trash
  36. Wash dishes
  37. Cleaning bathrooms
  38. Cleaning dishes
  39. Cleaning the bathroom
  40. Cleaning the dishes
  41. Cleaning the toilet
  42. Cleaning toilets
  43. Clean the toilets
  44. Clean toilets
  45. Dish washer
  46. Dishwashing
  47. Dish washing
  48. Hanging clothes
  49. Sweeping floor
  50. Sweeping floors
  51. Taking bins out
  52. Taking out rubbish
  53. Taking out the trash
  54. Vacuum cleaning
  55. Washing pots
  56. Washing the dishes

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Snow
  2. Market
  3. Winter
  4. Christmas
  5. Village
  6. Cold
  7. Shopping
  8. Town
  9. Shop
  10. Shops
  11. Holiday
  12. Stores
  13. Stalls
  14. Festival
  15. Store
  16. Holidays
  17. Markets
  18. German market
  19. Snowy
  20. White snow

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