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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 370

English (UK) Answers - Level 370

Something listed on a job announcement - (Text Question)

  1. Salary
  2. Requirements
  3. Description
  4. Hours
  5. Location
  6. Title
  7. Pay
  8. Position
  9. Experience
  10. Qualifications
  11. Duties
  12. Time
  13. Education
  14. Place
  15. Skills
  16. Wage
  17. Address
  18. Job title
  19. Job description
  20. Where
  21. Days
  22. Responsibilities
  23. Qualification
  24. Wages
  25. Expectations
  26. Full time
  27. Type of job
  28. Experience required
  29. Job duties
  30. Pay rate
  31. Schedule
  32. Skills needed
  33. Work hours

Something you don't like about the beach - (Text Question)

  1. Sand
  2. Crowd
  3. Heat
  4. Sunburn
  5. Wind
  6. Shark
  7. Jellyfish
  8. Seaweed
  9. Hot
  10. People
  11. Sharks
  12. Crowded
  13. Crowds
  14. Jelly fish
  15. Sun burn
  16. Sandy
  17. Burn
  18. Windy
  19. Sand everywhere
  20. Too hot
  21. Sea weed
  22. Sand in shoes
  23. Tourists
  24. Sand gets everywhere
  25. Sand in toes
  26. Too crowded
  27. Sand getting everywhere
  28. Sunburns
  29. Sand in everything
  30. Sand in eyes
  31. Sand sticking
  32. Hot sun
  33. Hot weather

Seagull_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Seagull
  2. Bay
  3. Golden Gate Bridge
  4. San Francisco
  5. Rock
  6. Mountain
  7. Bridge
  8. Water
  9. Bird
  10. Sea
  11. Ocean
  12. San fransisco
  13. River
  14. California
  15. Golden gate
  16. Seagul
  17. Sea gull
  18. Gull
  19. Mountains
  20. Rocks
  21. San fransico
  22. Lake
  23. Cliff
  24. Hill

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