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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 176

English (UK) Answers - Level 176

Activities families do together - (Text Question)

  1. Play games
  2. Games
  3. Eat
  4. Travel
  5. Watch movies
  6. Watch TV
  7. Picnic
  8. Sports
  9. Camp
  10. Vacation
  11. Movies
  12. Play
  13. Dinner
  14. Sport
  15. Holiday
  16. Camping
  17. Movie
  18. Holidays
  19. Exercise
  20. Cinema
  21. Run
  22. Board games
  23. Television
  24. Cards
  25. Game
  26. Watch movie
  27. Football
  28. Trip
  29. Video games
  30. Lunch
  31. Eating
  32. Breakfast
  33. Eat dinner
  34. Trips
  35. Picnics
  36. Road trip
  37. Watch television
  38. Eat out
  39. Play cards
  40. Vacations
  41. Running
  42. Watch sports
  43. Board game
  44. Meals
  45. Playing
  46. Play sports
  47. Soccer
  48. Traveling
  49. Basketball
  50. Go on vacation
  51. Road trips
  52. Tennis
  53. Watch a movie
  54. Watching tv
  55. Cricket
  56. Go on holiday
  57. Go to movies
  58. Have dinner
  59. Monopoly
  60. Movie night
  61. Play sport
  62. Travelling
  63. Watch films
  64. Watching a movie
  65. Watch tele
  66. Card games
  67. Eat food
  68. Eating dinner
  69. Eat meals
  70. Eat together
  71. Family game night
  72. Game night
  73. Go camping
  74. Go on vacations
  75. Go out for dinner
  76. Go out to dinner
  77. Go out to eat
  78. Go to a movie
  79. Go to dinner
  80. Go to the movies
  81. Play a board game
  82. Play a game
  83. Play board games
  84. Playing games
  85. see a movie
  86. Tele
  87. Telly
  88. Watching movies
  89. Watch telly

Something you find in a wallet - (Text Question)

  1. Money
  2. Cash
  3. Credit cards
  4. Pictures
  5. License
  6. Coins
  7. Gift cards
  8. Receipts
  9. Credit card
  10. Picture
  11. Gift card
  12. Change
  13. Photo
  14. Debit card
  15. Receipt
  16. Notes
  17. Bills
  18. Drivers license
  19. Debit cards
  20. Licence
  21. Bank card
  22. Photos
  23. Identification
  24. Vouchers
  25. ID card
  26. Bank cards
  27. Driving license
  28. Atm card
  29. Identity card
  30. Identification card
  31. Photograph
  32. Driver license
  33. Dollars
  34. I.D.
  35. Photographs
  36. Driver's license

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Beer
  2. Pretzel
  3. Germany
  4. Friends
  5. Oktoberfest
  6. German
  7. Drink
  8. Pretzels
  9. Drinks
  10. Friend
  11. Bavaria
  12. Beerfest
  13. Beers
  14. Ale
  15. Bavarian
  16. Friendship

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