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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 411

English (UK) Answers - Level 411

Something you find in a hardware store - (Text Question)

  1. Hammer
  2. Nail
  3. Wood
  4. Screw
  5. Paint
  6. Screwdriver
  7. Drill
  8. Saw
  9. Light bulb
  10. Nails
  11. Screws
  12. Lights
  13. Screw driver
  14. Hammers
  15. Lumber
  16. Chainsaw
  17. Drills
  18. Light bulbs
  19. Lightbulbs
  20. Saws
  21. Spray paint

Something you put in your hair - (Text Question)

  1. Clip
  2. Elastic
  3. Shampoo
  4. Gel
  5. Hairspray
  6. Conditioner
  7. Dye
  8. Hair tie
  9. Spray
  10. Hair spray
  11. Bobble
  12. Color
  13. Hairtie
  14. Pin
  15. Clips
  16. Hairband
  17. Scrunchie
  18. Hair gel
  19. Bobby pin
  20. Bobby pins
  21. Dry shampoo
  22. Colour
  23. Pins
  24. Hair band
  25. Hair dye
  26. Barette
  27. Highlights
  28. Rubber band
  29. Condition
  30. Bobbypin
  31. Barret
  32. Grip
  33. Rubberband
  34. Scrunchy
  35. Barrett
  36. Boby pin
  37. Hairties
  38. Ties
  39. Elastics
  40. Conditioning
  41. Grips
  42. Hair clip
  43. Hair clip
  44. Hairpin
  45. Hair ties
  46. Barrette
  47. Elastic band
  48. Hair elastic
  49. Scrunchies
  50. Barettes
  51. Bobbi pins
  52. Bobbypins
  53. Coloring
  54. Hair pins
  55. Bobbie pin
  56. Bobbin
  57. Butterfly clips
  58. Color dye
  59. Colors
  60. Gogo

bird_water_EN - (Text Question)

  1. Blue jay
  2. Bath
  3. Plant
  4. Water
  5. Garden
  6. Bird
  7. Grass
  8. Bird bath
  9. Pot
  10. Birdbath
  11. Bluejay
  12. Fountain
  13. Plants
  14. Blue bird
  15. Blue tit
  16. Yard
  17. Jay
  18. Bird fountain

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