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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 410

English (UK) Answers - Level 410

A button on a calculator other than a number - (Text Question)

  1. Plus
  2. Minus
  3. Divide
  4. Equals
  5. Multiply
  6. Clear
  7. Square root
  8. Sin
  9. Cos
  10. Decimal
  11. Add
  12. Equal
  13. Subtract
  14. Times
  15. Addition
  16. Division
  17. Subtraction
  18. Multiplication
  19. Negative
  20. Plus sign
  21. Dot
  22. Point
  23. Equal sign
  24. Root
  25. Decimal point
  26. Cancel
  27. Cosine
  28. Period
  29. Sine
  30. Minus sign
  31. Addition sign
  32. Total
  33. Division sign
  34. Multiplication sign
  35. Subtraction sign
  36. Equals sign
  37. Squareroot
  38. Cosign
  39. Subract
  40. Take away
  41. Divided by
  42. Division symbol
  43. Equal to
  44. Multiplication symbol
  45. Adding
  46. Addition symbol
  47. Additon
  48. Subtract sign
  49. Add sign
  50. Clear button
  51. Divide sign

An animal that is cute but dangerous - (Text Question)

  1. Bear
  2. Lion
  3. Tiger
  4. Koala
  5. Elephant
  6. Raccoon
  7. Hippopotamus
  8. Kangaroo
  9. Hippo
  10. Racoon
  11. Polar bear
  12. Bears
  13. Bear cub
  14. Lions
  15. Tigers
  16. Lion cub
  17. Koala bear
  18. Tiger cub
  19. Baby bear
  20. Bear cubs

House_Germany_EN - (Text Question)

  1. House
  2. Table
  3. Tree
  4. Chair
  5. Window
  6. Brick
  7. Sun
  8. Tables
  9. Trees
  10. Chairs
  11. Windows
  12. Restaurant
  13. Cafe
  14. Barn
  15. Building
  16. Sunset
  17. Cottage
  18. Bricks
  19. Cabin
  20. Hotel
  21. Pub
  22. Sunny
  23. Forest
  24. Sunrise
  25. Sunlight
  26. Sun set
  27. Lots of windows

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