Definition of vacancy | What does vacancy mean?
What is the definition of the word VACANCY?
Here is a list of definitions for vacancy.
- being unoccupied
- an empty area or space; "the huge desert voids"; "the emptiness of outer space"; "without their support he'll be ruling in a vacuum"
What are the synonyms of the word VACANCY?
What is another word for VACANCY?. Here is a list of synonyms for VACANCY
In which dictionaries does the word vacancy exist?
English International (SOWPODS) - Yes
English USA (TWL 98) - Yes
English USA (TWL 06) - Yes
Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2012) - Yes
Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2007) - Yes
Words with Friends (WWF) - Yes
Enable1 (ENABLE1) - Yes
Letterpress (LETTERPRESS) - Yes