Definition of sire | What does sire mean?
What is the definition of the word SIRE?
Here is a list of definitions for sire.
- a title of address formerly used for a man of rank and authority
- the founder of a family; "keep the faith of our forefathers"
- male parent of an animal especially a domestic animal such as a horse
What are the verbs of the word SIRE?
Here is a list of definitions for sire.
- make (offspring) by reproduction; "Abraham begot Isaac"; "John fathered four daughters"
What are the synonyms of the word SIRE?
What is another word for SIRE?. Here is a list of synonyms for SIRE
Words beginning with SIRE?
We only list the first 50 results for words beginning with SIRE.
In which dictionaries does the word sire exist?
English International (SOWPODS) - Yes
English USA (TWL 98) - Yes
English USA (TWL 06) - Yes
Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2012) - Yes
Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2007) - Yes
Words with Friends (WWF) - Yes
Enable1 (ENABLE1) - Yes
Letterpress (LETTERPRESS) - Yes