Definition of rem | What does rem mean?
What is the definition of the word REM?
Here is a list of definitions for rem.
- a recurring sleep state during which dreaming occurs; a state of rapidly shifting eye movements during sleep
- (roentgen equivalent man) the dosage of ionizing radiation that will cause the same amount of injury to human tissue as 1 roentgen of X-rays
What are the synonyms of the word REM?
What is another word for REM?. Here is a list of synonyms for REM
Words beginning with REM?
We only list the first 50 results for words beginning with REM.
- remythologizing
- remythologizes
- remythologized
- remythologize
- remurmurs
- remurmuring
- remurmured
- remurmur
- remuneratory
- remunerators
- remunerator
- remuneratively
- remunerative
- remunerations
- remuneration
- remunerating
- remunerates
- remunerated
- remunerate
- remunerable
- remueurs
- remueur
- remudas
- remuda
- remuages
- remuage
- rems
- removing
- removes
- removers
- remover
- removednesses
- removedness
- removed
- removeable
- remove
- removals
- removal
- removably
- removablenesses
- removableness
- removable
- removability
- removabilities
- remounts
- remounting
- remounted
- remount
- remoulds
- remoulding
In which dictionaries does the word rem exist?
English International (SOWPODS) - Yes
English USA (TWL 98) - Yes
English USA (TWL 06) - Yes
Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2012) - Yes
Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2007) - Yes
Words with Friends (WWF) - Yes
Enable1 (ENABLE1) - Yes
Letterpress (LETTERPRESS) - Yes