Definition of dew | What does dew mean?
What is the definition of the word DEW?
Here is a list of definitions for dew.
- water that has condensed on a cool surface overnight from water vapor in the air; "in the morning the grass was wet with dew"
What are the synonyms of the word DEW?
What is another word for DEW?. Here is a list of synonyms for DEW
Words beginning with DEW?
We only list the first 50 results for words beginning with DEW.
- dewy
- dews
- dewpoints
- dewpoint
- deworms
- deworming
- dewormers
- dewormer
- dewormed
- deworm
- dewools
- dewooling
- dewooled
- dewool
- dewless
- dewlapt
- dewlaps
- dewlapped
- dewlap
- dewitts
- dewitting
- dewitted
- dewitt
- dewing
- dewinesses
- dewiness
- dewily
- dewiest
- dewier
- dewfull
- dewfalls
- dewfall
- dewed
- dewdrops
- dewdrop
- dewclaws
- dewclaw
- dewberry
- dewberries
- dewaxing
- dewaxes
- dewaxed
- dewax
- dewaters
- dewaterings
- dewatering
- dewaterers
- dewaterer
- dewatered
- dewater
In which dictionaries does the word dew exist?
English International (SOWPODS) - Yes
English USA (TWL 98) - Yes
English USA (TWL 06) - Yes
Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2012) - Yes
Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2007) - Yes
Words with Friends (WWF) - Yes
Enable1 (ENABLE1) - Yes
Letterpress (LETTERPRESS) - Yes