Definition of dal | What does dal mean?
What is the definition of the word DAL?
Here is a list of definitions for dal.
- a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 10 liters
What are the synonyms of the word DAL?
What is another word for DAL?. Here is a list of synonyms for DAL
Words beginning with DAL?
We only list the first 50 results for words beginning with DAL.
- dalts
- daltons
- daltonisms
- daltonism
- daltonic
- dalton
- dalt
- dals
- dalmatics
- dalmatic
- dalmatians
- dalmatian
- dalmahoys
- dalmahoy
- dallying
- dally
- dallops
- dallop
- dallies
- dalliers
- dallier
- dallied
- dalliances
- dalliance
- dalles
- dalle
- dalis
- dali
- daleths
- daleth
- dalesmen
- dalesman
- dales
- daledhs
- daledh
- dale
- dalasis
- dalasi
- dalapons
- dalapon
- dal
In which dictionaries does the word dal exist?
English International (SOWPODS) - Yes
English USA (TWL 98) - Yes
English USA (TWL 06) - Yes
Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2012) - Yes
Collins Scrabble Words (CSW2007) - Yes
Words with Friends (WWF) - Yes
Enable1 (ENABLE1) - Yes
Letterpress (LETTERPRESS) - Yes