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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 138

Français (France) Answers - Level 138

Hockey - (Text Question)

  1. Glace
  2. Palet
  3. Crosse
  4. Sport
  5. Patin
  6. Casque
  7. Gazon
  8. Cross
  9. Canne
  10. Palais
  11. Herbe
  12. Sur glace
  13. Pallet
  14. Rondelle
  15. Stick
  16. Puck

Site Web populaire - (Text Question)

  1. Facebook
  2. Google
  3. Twitter
  4. Youtube
  5. Wikipedia
  6. Amazon
  7. Le bon coin
  8. Leboncoin

sheep_FR - (Text Question)

  1. Agneau
  2. Mouton
  3. Herbe
  4. Laine
  5. Troupeau
  6. bebe
  7. pre
  8. brebis
  9. champ
  10. prairie
  11. petit
  12. champs
  13. paturage

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