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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 132

Français (France) Answers - Level 132

Russie - (Text Question)

  1. Froid
  2. Moscou
  3. Poutine
  4. Vodka
  5. Pays
  6. Tsar
  7. vladimir poutine
  8. tzar

SNCF - (Text Question)

  1. Train
  2. Retard
  3. Gare
  4. Grève
  5. Voyage
  6. Billet
  7. Rail
  8. Contrôleur
  9. tgv
  10. ticket
  11. vacances
  12. TER
  13. rails
  14. attente
  15. controle
  16. billets
  17. controleurs
  18. trains
  19. voyages
  20. greves
  21. retards

napoleon_FR - (Text Question)

  1. Statue
  2. Napoléon
  3. Ciel
  4. Bronze
  5. Empereur
  6. statut
  7. Napoléon bonaparte

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