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94% Answers by SCIMOB - Level 93

English (Canada) Answers - Level 93

English words that start with "q" - (Text Question)

  1. Queen
  2. Quiet
  3. Quit
  4. Quick
  5. Quilt
  6. Question
  7. Quiz
  8. Quite
  9. Quail
  10. Quack
  11. Quizzes
  12. Queens
  13. Quilts

Famous bald people - (Text Question)

  1. Dwayne Johnson
  2. Bruce Willis
  3. Vin Diesel
  4. Howie Mandel
  5. Pitbull
  6. Patrick Stewart
  7. The Rock
  8. Rock
  9. Dwayne "the rock" johnson

The contents in the image - (Image Question)

  1. Plane
  2. Kid
  3. Grass
  4. Mountain
  5. Run
  6. Fly
  7. Girl
  8. Hill
  9. Airplane
  10. Child
  11. Field
  12. Boy
  13. Running
  14. Hills
  15. mountains
  16. Flying
  17. Kids
  18. Meadow
  19. Flight
  20. Childhood
  21. Meadows

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